Location of Sand River Masai Mara

A vast population of wildlife freely roam the incredible Masai National Reserve of Kenya, celebrate the beauty of these creatures on a Kenya safari.

In the grasslands and riverine forest of the Masai Mara, you can spot an abundance of wildlife. The exquisite Masai Mara ecosystem boasts the densest lion population in Kenya, and is an ideal destination to witness the Great Migration.

Millions of wildebeest, zebra and Thomson's gazelle. Here, the African Big Five roam free and wild. Game drives offer the perfect opportunity to witness wildlife such as cheetah, zebra, giraffe and hippo.

Set on a secluded site of the Masai Mara National Reserve close to the border of the Serengeti, one of the many highlights of staying at Sand River Masai Mara is its accessibility to great game viewing all year round.

Getting There

Sekenani (27 km) and Ololamutiek (32 km) are the closest gates to Sand River Masai Mara. The closest airstrip to the camp is Keekorok, which is about 45 minutes’ drive away.

South and East African Safaris
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