Namibia Safari and Wildlife Guide

© Shem Compion

Everything you need to know about going on wildlife safari in Namibia. Read up on Etosha and its numerous wildlife species as well as lions of the Namib Desert and Namibia's bird life.

Desert Adapted Elephants

Living in the heart of the Kaokoland and Damaraland regions in the far north of Namibia, one will find herds of desert adapted Elephants tha...more

Endemic Birds of Namibia

A popular holiday destination for avid bird-watchers, Namibia is home to at least 13 endemic species of birds, 8 of which are reportedly fro...more

Namib Desert - Life Giving Fog

The Namib Desert is to the oldest and most extreme desert in the world. Stretching along Namibia’s coastline, the plants found in the Nami...more

Namibia Safari Guide - Lions of the Desert

Occurring mostly outside the protected areas of the Kunene Region, the desert adapted Lions have become an important tourism draw-card for t...more

The Petrified Forest

Located 42 kilometres (26 miles) from Khorixas in the northern region of Namibia, a tour of the Petrified Forest is a popular tourist attrac...more

Wildlife of Etosha National Park

Home to over 114 species of wildlife, Etosha National Park is located in the north of Namibia, and is one of the country’s top tourist att...more

Wildlife of Nambia

Namibia is home to a wonderful abundance of wildlife and plant species, a number of which are endemic to the country...more

Outjo - Gateway to Etosha, Koakoveld and Damaraland

The northern town of Outjo is situated in the centre of Namibia on the B1 road and is the ideal place to use as a base while exploring Etosh...more

Treading Lightly - Conservation Safaris in Namibia

Namibia, with its striking and colourful landscape filled with magnificent wildlife and unusual yet contrasting natural beauty is a cornerst...more
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