Position of Tloma Lodge, Karatu

Tloma Lodge in Tanzania is located in the area of Karatu, and is close to the legendary wilderness area of the Ngorongoro Crater.

The location of Tloma Lodge is ideal as a base to visit some of the better known areas of northern Tanzania and the farm allows for a relaxed pace for a Tanzania safari.

How to get there:

To reach Tloma Lodge, most travellers will fly to Lake Manyara Airstrip. Charter companies fly from Arusha on a daily basis. The duration of the flight is approximately 25 minutes. The drive from the airstrip to the lodge will take approximately 45 minutes. There are also connections with flights to and from Serengeti.

By road:

Travelling by road from Arusha will take approximately 2.5 hours.


03° 30' 14' S
35° 66' 34' E

South and East African Safaris
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